Edition ETE 2024

Florida Keys Aquarium Encounters

Art de vivre

| Marathon (Florida)

Between Miami and Key West

On January 24 we bid a fond farewell to our two rehabilitation manatees, Maverick and Lil Peep. Both transferred out of our facility on their way to being returned to their wild habitats. Their release will bring our total number of successful rehabilitations here at Aquarium Encounters up to three!


Lil Peep was placed into our care on 1/14/2022 for treatment and weight gain. He was transferred from here to Sea World Orlando, where he will be acclimated to the local conditions before being released to the Blue Spring area.


Maverick arrived here at Aquarium Encounters on 4/27/2022 for rehab and weight gain. He was transferred from here to Zoo Tampa to await favorable conditions for his return to the Crystal River area.


Release for both animals is currently being planned for mid-February.


Our rehabilitation efforts are funded in part by donations from guests like you, and we couldn’t do it without your help! If you are interested in donating to our nonprofit R3EACH’s manatee rehabilitation program, please speak to our front desk staff or email info@floridakeysaquariumencounters.com for more information.


Comm. & Red. (K. Arbane) partir-magazine.com

23.02.2023 11:17

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